Thursday, April 27, 2006

In the beginning ...

It is always exciting to start a new blog. You can see the possibilities of what is to come, but you also realize how much work goes into a blog. It should be safe to say however, that a blog can and will only be successful if you enjoy the topic and it in some way becomes part of your life. Blogs that don't manifest this quality are noticeable up-front by the visitor and at that moment your blog's demise is on its way.

So, with this first blog about the e-Churches Church Website System I will keep it simple. The system was started two years ago as a small project. We have since re-released an upgraded system that is a dramatic improvement over the original system. You can read a full press release on our new Church Website System at

We look forward to growing this system in terms of features and usage and we are committed to making this a service that will work for every church. Thanks and we are excited about the prospects ahead.